Mark Centoni
Roles: Fullstack Software Engineer
Client website:

Hopelab is a transformative social innovation lab and impact investor working to support the mental well-being of adolescents ages 10-25, especially BIPOC and LGBTQ+ young people. I build various features for them across the full stack with React/Nextjs on the frontend and WordPress/Pantheon on the backend.

Hopelab: Megamenu

hopelab megamenu

I built the API in PHP/Wordpress and frontend in React for a highly customizable, responsive megamenu.

Hopelab: Layouts

hopelab layouts

I built several customizable responsive content layouts with a custom API for cases studies, insights reports and teams.

Hopelab: Social Sharing

hopelab social sharing

I built several social sharing tools to help Hopelab visitors share their great work on social media platforms, including selectable share snippets.

Hopelab: Mobile

hopelab mobile

Each of the features I worked on for Hopelab were built mobile first so they would be easily accessed where their target audiences spend the most time.

Hopelab: Upgrades

hopelab home

I upgraded Hopelab to the latest versions of key software and plugins to keep them secure and using the latest features. Upgrading WP Advanced Custom Fields and Nextjs in particular required significant API and frontend modifications that afforded them a number of optimizations in both editing and displaying content.

Hopelab: Data Visualization

hopelab charts

I built an editor with an API and frontend components for Hopelab to manage data and insert and display data visualizations in a variety of content objects.