Mark Centoni


Roles: Lead Frontend EngineerFrontend Architect
Client website:

I serve as lead frontend engineer, contributing backend engineer on the Next.js app with a Laravel backend for NextMe, one of two leading standalone waitlist apps worldwide for businesses to manage queues used in industries like restaurants, vets and healthcare, events management, retail and dispenseries.

NextMe pricing tiers

NextMe: SaaS Subscriptions

Built SaaS subscription management using the Stripe API and a custom API. Components: custom tier selector, subscription management, feature gating, banners, alerts and messaging.

NextMe custom fields

NextMe: Waitlist Management Settings

Revamped the waitlist, dashboard and settings to handle multiple business locations with related business objects: queue management, data compliance, custom fields, public page management, org and user settings.

NextMe analytics

NextMe: Analytics Dashboard

Built the API in node to pull data and calculate metrics and display in react to help business users assess and improve waitlist KPIs.

NextMe public waitlist

NextMe: Public Landing Pages

Built public pages for business users to communicate with users: self-checkin, virtual waiting room, public waitlist.

Nextme add guest localization

NextMe: Localization

Localized fields and displays like phone, address, times and dates to support rapid expansion into global markets.

Roles: Fullstack Software Engineer
Client website:

Hopelab is a transformative social innovation lab and impact investor working to support the mental well-being of adolescents ages 10-25, especially BIPOC and LGBTQ+ young people. I build various features for them across the full stack with React/Nextjs on the frontend and WordPress/Pantheon on the backend.

hopelab megamenu

Hopelab: Megamenu

I built the API in PHP/Wordpress and frontend in React for a highly customizable, responsive megamenu.

hopelab layouts

Hopelab: Layouts

I built several customizable responsive content layouts with a custom API for cases studies, insights reports and teams.

hopelab social sharing

Hopelab: Social Sharing

I built several social sharing tools to help Hopelab visitors share their great work on social media platforms, including selectable share snippets.

hopelab mobile

Hopelab: Mobile

Each of the features I worked on for Hopelab were built mobile first so they would be easily accessed where their target audiences spend the most time.

hopelab home

Hopelab: Upgrades

I upgraded Hopelab to the latest versions of key software and plugins to keep them secure and using the latest features. Upgrading WP Advanced Custom Fields and Nextjs in particular required significant API and frontend modifications that afforded them a number of optimizations in both editing and displaying content.

hopelab charts

Hopelab: Data Visualization

I built an editor with an API and frontend components for Hopelab to manage data and insert and display data visualizations in a variety of content objects.

Roles: Lead Software EngineerMartech ArchitectProduct Engineering Manager
Client website:

I was the lead engineer and architect of the go-to-market tech stack for Plastiq before moving to a product engineering manager role leading the team working on the acquisition funnel, product settings and compliance. As owner of GTM tech, I designed, implemented and integrated a stack that included the public marketing site and CMS, Segment, Braze, Salesforce, Heap and other tools. The product team I led implemented SaaS subscriptions, business and user settings, beneficial owner compliance and experiments in the acquisition and upgrade flows.

plastiq saas

Plastiq: SaaS Subscriptions

Led the team working on the first generation of a SaaS product including subscription management, registration and upsell and feature gating for two product lines. Built on the Chargebee subscription management platform.

Plastiq Pay Pro SaaS product page

Plastiq: Marketing Website

I built several iterations of the marketing site as lead engineer and integrated anonymous visitor data into the customer data funnel, analytics, experimentation, marketing and sales automation and content management. When I moved to management, I led both product and go-to-market engineering.

plastiq compliance

Plastiq: Compliance

As a payments company, Plastiq had to comply with data collection, reporting and know your business rules. I led the product team working on key compliance and data integrations.

plastiq settings

Plastiq: Settings

I led the engineering team creating app settings for managing integrations, subscriptions, user and business data and teams.

Plastiq registration start page

Plastiq: Registration flow

The team I managed built and ran growth experiments in the registration and upsell funnels. We ran product led growth experiments and feature flags for the product team and enabled the marketing team to run their own experiments with integrations and machine learning.